Sunday, January 5, 2020

Book Review Darwins Black Box by Michael Behe

Darwins Black Box (Order #A2089774) Every since the publication of the Origins of Species in 1859, the theory of evolution has been generally accepted by scientists around the world, that is, until 1996 when Michael Behe published his book Darwins Black Box, calling the theory of evolution into question. The theory of evolution states that individual single point mutations in DNA give rise to the development of new characteristics in species. If these new characteristics are advantageous for survival, then the genes are passed down to new generations. As these characteristics are accumulated, new species develop. However, while most scientists have accepted evolution as a scientific fact, they have yet to answer some basic fundamental questions about the process itself. Michael Behe points to this and proposes that the reason scientists do not yet have all the answers regarding the processes behind evolution is because they have failed to see the intelligent design that lies within it. The author asserts that the data of biochemistry argues strongly that many molecular machines in the cell could not have arisen through a step-by-step process of natural selection ¦much of the molecular machinery in the cell is irreducibly complex. (Bohlin, 2000, p. 103) In order to understand Behes argument, the concept of irreducible complexity must be discussed. The author defines irreducible complexity as a single system composed of several well-matched, interacting parts thatShow MoreRelated Teaching Origins in 20th Century American Public Schools Essay6390 Words   |  26 Pagesselection; through this process, species change over time, including extinction and the creation of new species. Darwin presented evidence observed in his time as a naturalist aboard the Beagle and evidence collected by other naturalists and breeders. Darwin’s breakthrough in understanding the history of life was built upon the understanding that geologists and other naturalists, like Cuvier, Lamarck, and Wallace, had developed of the Earth as an old planet that had seen many changes in environmental conditions

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