Friday, December 27, 2019

The Projection Of War - 1151 Words

The Projection of ‘War’ in Poetry: Applying Metaphor Theory One study that investigates the role of metaphor in poetry is Peter Stockwell (2002). Stockwell defines metaphor as ‘ the use of one expression to refer to a different concept in in a way which is still regarded as meaningful, and metaphor has most prototypically been associated with poetic and literary usage.’ According to Stockwell, much work in cognitive science has demonstrated that metaphor is related to the function of human mind. Zoltà ¡n Kà ¶vecses (2009) affirms that poets share people’s everyday conceptual metaphor they use in poetry and blend proposed that in many cases poetry makes use of what he and Turner, (1996) Fauconnier and Turner (2002) call blends, in which†¦show more content†¦The mentioning of these circumstances creates a distinctive thematic representation. The construction of the cleft sentence ‘it was’ followed by the adverbial phrase is to emphasize the time’ fourteenth of that month’ and the place ‘Goyja’. Here, the context is described literary which is the rheme of the poem while ‘the wind abducted my pen’ is the theme. The verb ‘abduct’ is a transitive verb. This structure is clearly metaphorical. The contextual parameters of the first two lines are not clear-cut shown. The field including the process of ‘abduction’ is expressed in a lexico-grammatically a different way that creates a grammatical metaphorical expression which according to Halliday and Hassan (1995) involves the transformation of verbs and adjectives. The process of abduction is force dynamic image schema metaphor in the sense that wind cannot ‘abduct’ things but human beings and thus human being and wind are compared. The process of abduction is a characteristic of human being. This material process requires a human actor while the poet uses ‘the wind’ as instrumental as a participant. In addition, Halliday and Hassan’s interpersonal metafunction of the second participant of the verb ‘abduct’ involves another grammatical metaphor wherein a ‘pen’ is not used in its literal sense. Here, ‘pen’ refers as thoughts, ideas, and feeling and/or anything that can be written. The noun group involving determiner ‘my pen’ includes the person

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Immigration Of The United States - 1064 Words

Camarota (2007, p.1), director of the Immigration Studies Center, reports there are 1.6 million documented and undocumented migrants take up residence in the United States every year. Camarota goes on to say that the immigrants occupy one-eighth of the total population who settled in the U.S. The flood of aliens, to a significant degree, hinders the development of the United States. Therefore, the issues which relate to immigration must not be neglected, and the government should keep the number of migrants from increasing since immigration reduces the work opportunity for citizens, increases the cost for the government, and leads to rising crime rates in the United States. Immigrants have limited job opportunity for residents.†¦show more content†¦In other words, Americans lose their job because immigrants are favored by employers, which reduces the employment chance for citizens. The increasing presence of migrant labors is even preventing citizens from looking for a job. Megan (2015, p.2) points out that from 2000 to 2014, the number of local employment reduce by 5 percent, from 67 percent to 62 percent, whereas foreign workforce only dipped 5%, from 67 to 66 percent. While employment rate for native-born workers dropped quickly, it decreases relatively little for foreign-born. Immigration has led a decline in locals’ work opportunity to some extent. In short, there is a growing competitiveness in the labor market between migrants and citizens, which impairs the work opportunity for the Americas. Another consequence related to the increase of aliens is that it generates pressure on the public welfare. It is widely known that welfare is one of the critical factors to inspire aliens to immigrate. Borjas (2002, p.9) indicates that the foreign-born would not choose to migrate to the United States if there is no entitlements program. This can create significant stress to the government finances. 51 percent of migrants used at least one federal ben efit, while only 30 percent of the locals use the government program (Richwine, 2016, p.1). With a rapidly rising immigrant population, it strains the social welfare system. Likewise, immigrants use the

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Darwins Natural Selection Essay Example For Students

Darwins Natural Selection Essay In our modern society, many people believe in many different ideas. On the one side, some people believe that God created the world. Science however uses different ideas to support the idea that Darwin is famous for called Natural Selection, which is basically evolution. Every society has a different idea of where man came from. It is important to understand where man came from because that is one of the goals of science and anthropology. If we all understand that we all evolved the same, and are still possibly evolving then the different races of humans might better understand each of the other races. It is also important so that we understand the path of our own evolution, so that we can understand the future of our species and so that we dont become extinct. Lastly, it isimportant so that we can understand our behavior, in other words, that way that we act. In this essay I will show that the majority of evidences supports the idea of evolution. The idea that Darwin had when he cam e up with his theory. I believe that Darwins idea best describes how things evolved, and may still continue to evolve. In a scientific study of genes it was proven that evolution occurs. As defined by Websters dictionary, evolution is descent of organisms by modification, In other words, evolution is the changing of organisms. This is best understood in a hypothetical situation. If there is an organism X and it evolves into organism Y, both occupy different niches. Organism X eats only small seeds and organism Y eats large seeds. If the environment changes, and say acid rain wipes out all of the big seeds then only organism Y will be able to survive. This is an example of a genetic bottleneck, a reduction of genetic diversity. In another study of moths, there are black moths and white ones. In the Industrial revolution, the trees became black with soot and only the blackmoths could survive, because the white moths were eaten. This is evidence for evolution, as is the case of the donkey and horse, they only produce mules, which are not fertile. This shows that different species cannot interbreed, that is they cannot exchange genes (also known as gene flow). The fossils of early man, the Australopithecus, show that it was inbetween a man and an chimpanzee. In a study, scientists showed that this proves that we evolved from chimpanzees. The early man also made stone tools. This proves three things. 1. That they were intelligent. 2. That early man hunted. 3. Olduwan tools were made by Homo habilis, a human ancestor. In conclusion, the fossil records, genes and moths show that Darwinian evolution is occurring. He did not know everything, and couldnt exact explain everything, but he basically had the right idea. Both micro an macro evolution produced the great array of organism that we can see today, even ourselves. I my essay I have explained these ideas best explain how we (Homo sapiens) evolved, and with a better understandingmight be able to predict the future of our species. Words/ Pages : 536 / 24

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Total Quality Management Essays (246 words) - Management

Total Quality Management I feel its important to learn about the subject of total quality management (TQM) when dealing with operations management. Total Quality Management and continuous improvement put tremendous emphasize on the importance of empowering employees within an organization. When managers give employees certain freedom such as to think and take action on given situations, this act gives employees a sense of power which will make them feel closer to an organization. With empowerment, managers must also accept new responsibilities emerging from implementing this new approach. Organizations have to realize by allowing employees to take corrective action when customers are satisfied, this will lead to improvement in customer service, speedy business transactions, and possibly increases in quality of products. On the other hand, problems can arise if manager fail to combine technical skills with personal skills to manage their human resources. Unproductive decisions, lack of communications, and leg al actions are some problems relating to TQM and empowering employees. But to make decision you have to understand there are potential of making errors. The best way to overcome such problems is with a concise training procedure. Each employee that is given responsibility should be properly trained to make such decisions. If an employee does not have knowledge to make proper decision, the organization could have some problems. If employees are properly trained, empowering employee can be a cost effective tool for an organization. The positives of empowering employees and the TQM process clearly outweigh its negatives. Business